Governance board
The overall strategic management and development of University College of Northern Denmark is carried out by the Governance Board.
Mads Duedahl
Chairman of the Regional Council, North Denmark Region
Chair of the Board of Governors
Richard Fynbo
CEO, Fynbo Foods
Vice chairman
Anne Velling Christiansen
Chief Executive, Mariagerfjord Municipality
Board member
Søren Smalbro
Mayor, Hjørring Municipality
Board member
Tine Curtis
Head of Department, Research Director, Aalborg Municipality
Board member
A. Neil Jacobsen
Board member
Diana Sørensen
CEO, Nordjyllands Beredskab
Board member
Dennis Thomsen
Circuit board member, Himmerlands Lærerkreds
Board member
Kamilla Bittmann
CEO, Erhverv Norddanmark Chamber of Commerce
Board member
Astrid Heidemann Lassen
Associate Professor, Vice Head of Department, Aalborg University
Board member
Torben Broe Knudsen
Associate Lecturer, Department of Occupational Therapy, UCN
Employee representative, board member
Steen Nielsen
Educational IT consultant, UCN
Employee representative, board member
Henrikke Slej Andersen
Student representative, board member
Anders Kaufmann
Student representative, board member